Hypnotherapy Training


Kami Budi Consult berdiri sejak 2008 dan dengan bangga mempersembahkan:

Brainwave Hypnotherapy® Training 
Oleh Budi Prasetyanto, SE, CHt
- Member of The International Center for Hypnosis Education and Research-USA
- Member of The Indonesian Board of Hypnotherapy
- Member of Perhimpunan Praktisi Hipnosis dan Hipnoterapi Indonesia

Tentang Seminar: Hipnosis adalah puncak komunikasi terapeutik. Seminar ini menampilkan hipnosis/hipnoterapi sebagai sarana belajar menggunakan enam saluran komunikasi untuk membimbing perubahan pikiran, gelombang otak, dan energi.

Dikelas ini anda diperlihatkan secara langsung bagaimana gelombang otak (Beta, alpha, tetha, dan delta) selama proses hypnosis/hipnoterapi, ini solusi bagi anda yang ingin dapat secara menjelaskan hipnosis dengan ilmiah. dan satu-satunya yang memberikan kesempatan kepada para peserta untuk juga mengupgrade diri tanpa batas.  

Kami mengundang para praktisi, pemerhati, penggiat, dan peminat hipnoterapi untuk hadir dalam seminar yang akan disampaikan oleh Budi Prasetyanto, SE, CHt., CT., seorang praktisi konsultasi-hipnosis sejak 2005 dan anggota dari The International Center for Hypnosis Education and Research. sebuah organisasi yang dipimpin oleh Julie Griffin BCH,CI.

Jadwal dan Lokasi:

  • Blitar, 25-30 Agustus 2024
  • Jakarta, 
  • Yogjakarta,
  • Samarinda - Balikpapan, 
  • Karangasem (Bali), 25-30 Desember 2024

Your Sillabus :

Hypnosis, history.
What is hypnosis.
Permissive and authoritarian approaches.
Types of hypnosis.
Hypnosis roleplaying.
Hypnosis. The power of your subconscious mind.
The mind and the critical faculty also called critical factor.
Brainwave Activity in hypnotic Trance
Relationship between client and hypnotist
Who can be hypnotized.
How it feels to be hypnotized.
Fears and Misconceptions.
Hypnosis, intelligence and gullibility.
Smart people can easily be hypnotized. True or false.
Is your IQ a key for hypnosis? Or not?
Self-Hypnosis and Hypnosis.
Relaxation and Hypnosis.
Do you need to relax to experience hypnosis.
Is hypnosis magic?
Mind and Hypnosis. Different levels of hypnosis.
Positive and negative hallucinations.
Why strive for a deep level with all clients?
Regression and revivification.
Types of regressions.
Dangers of hypnosis.
Hypnosis and suggestions.
Types of suggestions.
Indirect suggestions.
Direct suggestions.
Verbal suggestions.
Non-verbal suggestions.
Positive versus negative suggestions.
Suggestions and subliminal.
Reinforcing and encouragement.
Post hypnotic suggestions.
Behavior and suggestions.
Types of inductions.
Rapid methods.
Instant methods.
Relaxation and hypnosis.
Stage Hypnosis versus hypnotherapy.
Client feedback.
Keeping records.
Using free web hosting and domain registration, Marketing.
What you need to start your hypnosis business.
Introduction to NLP
NLP and Hypnosis.
Basic NLP (16 hours)
NLP versus Hypnosis.
Using Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation.
Using Hypnosis for Weight Management.
Using Hypnosis for positive change.
Using Hypnosis for relaxation.
Using Hypnosis for motivation.
Using Hypnosis for stress reduction.
Using Hypnosis for medical problems.
Hypnosis and science.
Hypnosis and the health care professional.
Convincers and hypnosis.
Hypnosis for children.
Hypnosis and the analytical person.
Hypnosis, concentration tests.
Meditation versus hypnosis.
Working many problems or one problem at the same time?
Colors and hypnosis.
The Professional Hypnotist.
Regulations for Hypnosis.
Belief and hypnosis.
States of Awakening Mind (8 Hours)
The responsibly of the success belonging to the hypnotist, and the client.
Client or patient?
One approach for all or not?
Fight or flight?
Hypnosis terminology.
Your practice, your business, your website and legal issues.
Client forms.
The importance of rapport.
The importance of the pre-talk.
Suggestibility test or concentration test.
Concentration, imagination and hypnosis.
Following instructions and hypnosis.
Behavior assessment.
Building your provitable business  
Goal setting.
Colour imagery.
Age regression.
Practical Exam for Certification.
Written Exam for Certification.

Format Kursus: Penekanannya adalah pada demonstrasi dan lokakarya berbagai teknik hipnosis, di mana Anda akan berlatih dengan teman sekelas dan sukarelawan. Anda juga didorong untuk bekerja sama dengan teman sekelas dan mempraktikkan apa yang telah diajarkan selama tiga minggu di sela-sela pelatihan. Lihat foto pelatihan yang sudah berjalan (klik!)

Investasi Seminar:

  • Early Bird (sebelum 28 Februari 2018): Rp. 
  • Normal (1-13 Maret 2018): Rp. 

Khusus untuk 10 pendaftar pertama, akan mendapatkan Buku Cetak dari Budi Prasetyanto senilai Rp. 350.000,-.

Fasilitas Peserta:

Student Kit (manual & book Script)
CD langkah-langkah hypnotherapy
4 Sertifikat Hypnotherapist resmi :
- Certified Hypnotist (CH)  
- Certified Hypnotherapist (CHt) 
- Certified Professional Hypnotherapist  (CPHt)
- Certified Brainwave Hypnotherapy®  (CBH)

Selain itu, selama dua tahun alumnus akan mendapatkan coaching melalui:

  • Web Seminar
  • Routine Gathering for Follow Up
  • Publication 

Pendaftaran: Segera daftarkan diri Anda dengan format:

  • Nama
  • Profesi
  • Usia
  • Nomor HP
  • Bukti transfer ke No Rekening BCA: [Nomor Rekening]

Informasi dan registrasi:

  • WhatsApp: 085234488618

Terima kasih dan sampai jumpa di seminar!

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